What I Will Take Away From 2020.

Well, 2020 was a bit shit wasn’t it?! Saying that, 2021 isn’t offering much comfort so far either, now we find ourselves back in another lockdown. Not even a fortnight into the new year and most of us have already had enough. The reality is 2021 was never going to start off easy. Most of […]
Are You Still Socialising?

This weekend I went out with two of my lovely friends for cocktails and dinner. It was so nice to see them and catch up. It was of course also nice to go for drinks and delicious food…
Living With Low Self Esteem

Since I was really little I have suffered with cripplingly low self esteem. I would beat myself up about everything I could; my capability, my likability, my looks and weight and my achievements. I never believed in my talents and didn’t ever feel I was good enough.
Should we be Posting Photos of Our Children on Social Media?

When I gave birth to Savannah I wasn’t on Facebook having deleted it a couple of years before. This meant that during my pregnancy there were no big reveals or bump updates and no big announcement when she entered the world either.
No Regrets

Today I want to write a post to all of you out there who are either living with regret or living in the past. I’m here to say stop.
Boating in Norwich

Life is slowly starting to return to some kind of normality at last (just in time for the summer holidays!). One thing Matt and me had been promising Savannah all through lockdown was that as soon as we could, we would take her on a boat ride. At the end of summer last year Matt […]
Don’t Rely on Relationships to Make You Happy

When I was about 16 I was at family wedding where I was asked countless times if I ‘had a boyfriend yet’. Followed by the standard ‘Well there’s plenty of time’ reply when I advised I did not.
Mental Health Struggles During Lockdown.

The other week I had a complete meltdown. I knew I wasn’t OK and that I hadn’t been for a long while and I am annoyed with myself for ignoring it for so long. I’m so in tune with my mind these days that I know the signs right away should my mental health start to decline and what to do to help make myself feel better.
Put a Ring On It.

I have been asked about my rings quite a bit on social media recently so I thought, seeing as I have a shiny new blog why not do a quick write up about them.
Why I Didn’t Send My Daughter Back To School Last Week.

As a parent you’re faced with tough decisions almost daily. No one knows what they are doing when they have a baby and it doesn’t get easier as they grow. Each age comes with new hurdles and every single one of us has no clue on how to handle any of it. We just do the best we can at the time.