Topshop Red Floral Split Front Midi Dress Was £39 now £20.
Topshop Red Floral Midi Dress with Split Front was £39 Now £20.

I am trying to be good and not spend money frivolously during lockdown. Firstly because I want to save up some ‘rainy day’ money while I am not paying to travel into work. Secondly, I want to save up for new bedroom furniture for Savannah and me. Thirdly, I feel a bit guilty ordering unnecessary things. Lastly, I DON’T NEED ANYMORE NEW CLOTHES.

That being said, the other week I was browsing through Instagram and clocked a pic of a girl wearing a red floral midi dress and all my good intentions went out of the window. I had to know where it was from and if it was still available.

Lo and behold it was, it was a Topshop spesh (do love a Topshop floral dress) not only that it was now on sale too. If that wasn’t a sign I needed to purchase it then I don’t know what is.

The Instagrammer wearing it is a lot smaller in size than me so I did worry it may not look as good as I was hoping but I am really happy with it. Which just goes to show that the same outfit can be worn by totally different body types and look great on both.

It’s comfy and super flattering, even over my mum tum. Yep, this dress was totally worth throwing all of my money morals out of the window for.

Just in case you’re tempted, it is still on sale on both Topshop’s website and ASOS.

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