Look How Far You’ve Come.

It’s so easy to focus on the crappy things in life. I guess that’s because they have more impact on us physically and mentally, grief and stress are of course harder to carry than peace and contentment. Plus, if you’re anything like me, when life is going smoothly and I feel happy it makes me nervous as to what’s around the corner!

Tips to Help Boost Self Confidence

Self Care is super important for making you feel good

I have come to enjoy talking about body positivity and self confidence online. Not only is it really liberating and helps with my own issues but it appears to help others too. I regularly get messages from people sharing their own experiences or thanking me for posting certain truths about myself. The fact that my […]

Starting Again.

I shared quite an honest and vulnerable post on my Instagram yesterday. It got a great response which I was pleased (and relieved) about. More importantly though I feel it helped people understand a bit more about me and my mindset. Those who know me and those who have followed me for many years will […]

Living With Low Self Esteem

Since I was really little I have suffered with cripplingly low self esteem. I would beat myself up about everything I could; my capability, my likability, my looks and weight and my achievements. I never believed in my talents and didn’t ever feel I was good enough.

No Regrets

Today I want to write a post to all of you out there who are either living with regret or living in the past. I’m here to say stop.

Don’t Rely on Relationships to Make You Happy

Don't Rely on Relationships to Make You Happy

When I was about 16 I was at family wedding where I was asked countless times if I ‘had a boyfriend yet’. Followed by the standard ‘Well there’s plenty of time’ reply when I advised I did not.

All About Me.

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Whether this is your first time reading my blog or you have been following my wittering for years, I am very grateful that you’re here.