Late Night Thoughts

Sorry I haven’t blogged for a while. Sorry also that I always say I will make a point of blogging regularly before unintentionally disappearing from here once more for an another hiatus. This post will be a rough one. Probably not proof read so please do forgive any typos or sentences that don’t read so […]
It’s Hot! Here’s a Reminder to Wear What You Want.

We finally have some hot weather (it’s actually far too hot if you ask me but hey ho). As it is here to stay for a little while, I wanted to write a post to remind everyone it is OK to wear what the hell you want. Whatever keeps you cool while it’s SCORCHING. If […]
New Hair. New Ink.

May was a bit of a transformative month for me. I finally got my hair cut and coloured for the first time since October, I also had my first ever tattoo day sitting in order to work on completing my arm. I have my hair cut and coloured by Amy AKA the colour queen! I’ve […]
Starting Again.

I shared quite an honest and vulnerable post on my Instagram yesterday. It got a great response which I was pleased (and relieved) about. More importantly though I feel it helped people understand a bit more about me and my mindset. Those who know me and those who have followed me for many years will […]
What I’ve Discovered About Myself During Isolation.

Day 564357 of lockdown and pretty much every good intention I had in the beginning has now fallen by the wayside. It all started so well too….
Stay at Home Mum VS Single Working Mum.

As I previously mentioned in my ‘About Me’ blog post, my life has changed quite a bit. For all of my blogging life I was married, later becoming a stay at home mum to Savannah who is now six. Since my marriage ended in 2018 however, I have been a working single mum and I get asked quite a lot about which I prefer….
All About Me.

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Whether this is your first time reading my blog or you have been following my wittering for years, I am very grateful that you’re here.