We finally have some hot weather (it’s actually far too hot if you ask me but hey ho). As it is here to stay for a little while, I wanted to write a post to remind everyone it is OK to wear what the hell you want. Whatever keeps you cool while it’s SCORCHING.
If you’re anything like me, this weather is too much and any type of clothing, no matter how minimal, is too hot to wear. Sadly though, we have to wear clothes to go out in public so because of that we need to wear outfits that keep us cool and comfortable.
All too often in the past I have covered up in the heat because of being paranoid about my body, my weight or my skin tone. Which means I haven’t always worn swimwear and enjoyed the water because of worrying my tummy wasn’t flat or not worn the shorts I wanted because my keratosis pilaris looked horrid and my skin is pale.
It’s so sad and such a waste of energy and time. Life is far too short to let something like what I look like in clothes or swimwear stop me from partaking in certain activities.
Thankfully times have progressed a hell of a lot since I was younger.
Fashion and trends are thankfully much more inclusive than they used to be and there are more brands catering for women who go beyond a size 16.
More people than ever are also sharing their own body confidence posts online. My feed is always adorned with banging images of awesome women with different body types embracing fashions once considered for only women of a certain size. As well as showing real skin with blemishes or scars and people with disabilities or health conditions.
Inclusive marketing is so long overdue and I truly believe it is us mere mortals of social media who have fuelled the change.
With the freedom of apps and sharing our lives, we have been able to turn the tables and hit back at unrealistic marketing with images of what ‘normal’ actually looks like.
We finally have control and are showing the world the images we really want to see. Shunning photoshopped unrealistic photos for photos with cellulite and belly rolls.
Brands and businesses have caught on and taken note.
Of course I know this is to benefit them financially, I am not daft. But if it means we continue to see such diversity and it gives opportunities to people who would never have been considered twenty, even ten years ago then I am all for it.
These images are the sort of thing that would have really helped my self esteem issues as a teenager.
I recently sent a pic to my friend from Boux Avenues website, as the model clearly had psoriasis, a condition said friend also has and always hides. This model looked BANGING. Absolutely stunning. I wanted my friend to see her condition doesn’t define her. And it shouldn’t stop her.
If you want to wear a cropped top and your tummy isn’t flat then go for it. If you want to wear a skimpy dress and have a skin condition, GO. FOR. IT.
If you want to wear a miniskirt and you’re 60, who cares. WEAR IT.
In heatwaves and beyond! (But most importantly in heatwaves, because you may melt.)
Eczema. Cellulite. Scars. Burns. Wobbly thighs. Round bellies. Bingo wings. Blotchy skin. Dry skin. Whatever your body hang ups, do NOT let them stop you taking part and wearing what you want.
Fashion has been dictated by body size and type for far too long. The aesthetic bar has been set by unrealistic and unachievable standards for far too long and finally this is changing. Let’s embrace it!
We are finally seeing that all body shapes and sizes can look beautiful and, I don’t know about you, but that has really helped me accept my body for how it looks and wear more of what I want.
You should do too. And if not for all the reasons I stated above then just because it is bloody boiling.