Pixabay - Sasin Tipchai

Sometimes we get so caught up in every day life we forget just how precious it actually is. We can find ourselves getting irritated at the stupidest things such as a prolonged red light or a snotty email at work and forget the bigger picture.

There is nothing wrong with dedicating yourself to your job or declining a social invite if you don’t fancy it. There is also nothing wrong with being relieved when the kids finally fall asleep or being in a crap mood.

That stuff is all part of what makes us human. However, I am here with this blog post to remind you what life is truly all about: living. Just in case you needed that reminder.

Life is about being more present and cherishing the silly little things that you would miss if they were gone.

Letting those around you know how much they mean to you as often as possible. Telling them they are loved and appreciating them and what they bring to your life.

Don’t wait until it is too late or time is running out to let people know how you feel. Tell them now.

Life is about making memories. Putting your phone down more and experiencing the moment, savouring it fully so it stays with you.

Yes it is great we carry cameras everywhere with us nowadays and I am the first to admit I love taking a pic. However, how many of us will admit to being guilty of looking at their phone on occasions when you should be more present.

Forgive more and let grudges go. Be kinder to people. Sometimes others can appear to be rude or angry but in reality they could be going through something. Treat everyone how you would like to be treated.

Be kinder to yourself too; you are doing the best you can and your self worth is not determined by ‘likes’ on social media or what clothes size you are.

Every one of us is unique and we should be proud of that and embracing it, not trying to look and act like everyone else. Give yourself a break.

Enjoy the simpler things in life; long walks in the woods or on the beach. A really good cup of coffee. Your childs laugh. Your besties ‘good morning’ text.

Let kids be kids. Don’t worry so much about having a tidy house and enjoy the chaos and disruption of a family home. You can have a clean house when they’re all gone. When you will most likely look back on the messy, stressy days with fondness.

Travel, explore, try more foods and experiences. Find new hobbies or stay up later and start a new book or podcast. Take up that sport you always wanted to try or learn an instrument. Begin painting or sewing. Whatever it is you always wanted to do, just do it.

Live your life NOW. Don’t put it on hold. Don’t wait to do things because you think there will be a ‘better time’ in the future or wait to make plans for when you’re richer / slimmer / older / married or anything in between.

There is no such thing as the ‘right time’, that time is now.

Life is happening and anything could change in a heartbeat. Don’t let things pass you by.

None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

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