Sorry I haven’t blogged for a while. Sorry also that I always say I will make a point of blogging regularly before unintentionally disappearing from here once more for an another hiatus.

This post will be a rough one. Probably not proof read so please do forgive any typos or sentences that don’t read so well. It’s quite late and I am finally in bed after an evening of tidying my flat and getting on top of my washing.

I am POOPED, but I wanted to write something on here for two reasons.

The first one being that I wanted to check in and say hello. It has been a while and I’ve missed ya! And secondly to make sure it’s actually working OK. I had to move website hosts last month and there were a few panics and glitches along the way which meant I couldn’t blog. I couldn’t draft a blog either as it wouldn’t save.

Last month I had planned to talk about my goals for 2022 but that seems a bit silly now we are half way through February. The year doesn’t feel so fresh and new now does it?

I’m not one for New Year resolutions really. Mainly because I don’t believe you should wait till a new year, month or week to make changes or break old habits. I also don’t think you should pressure yourself to or overload yourself with change. You ultimately set yourself up for failure this way.

Like most successes in life; slow and steady wins the race. Little goals smashed equate to big successes long term.

I am not against NY resolutions by the way, I just think overall they are pushed by companies that want us to buy their shit in the promise it will make you a better person for doing so. It’s all a marketing ploy like most things in this modern world.

I do have more goals and focus for this year though. I ended 2021 with the realisation I am kinda in the same place in life I was at the end of 2020. Only fatter and a year older ha.

Like most people I have dreams, I have ambitions, I have changes I want to make.

I don’t want 2022 to end the same as it did last year, with me in the same place once more. I want to stop putting things off, I want to believe in myself and my ability and push myself more.

To get out of my comfort zone a hell of a lot more. Say yes more and take many more chances.

Sounds stupid but that is really the ultimate reason I wrote this blog post. I am always thinking about writing; ideas for blogs or stories. Every day. And I tell myself every say that I am going to blog of an evening but get to a point where I am too tired and put it off.

I make excuses such as ‘I haven’t any good ideas’ or ‘I’m tired and won’t write anything good’. So tonight I just wrote. Yes I am tired and yes I had no idea what I was going to say. But I wrote anyway.

And it is actually an amazing feeling writing so freely.

I promise future posts on here will be properly proofread etc. unlike this one. I am just going to hit ‘publish’ on this one and set it free.

Let me know if you liked this more random type of blog entry.

Let me know also if you are still sticking to your new years resolutions and what they are if so! I would love to know!

Happy (VERY belated) New year. X

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